Sunset Tuber

Well, after two and a half years I have made the tough decision to close the doors to Moonlight Tuber.

Although I have enjoyed it a lot, and have published stories I love and issues I am very proud of, Moonlight Tuber hasn’t quite managed to grab the kind of traction I hoped for, in terms of audience or in terms of the quality of submissions (which isn’t to say I haven’t received and even rejected some very good stories – there are plenty of exceptions).

The publishing world has changed a lot in the last few years and I think there is more change ahead. At the moment I suspect the market is over-saturated and there are more publications than there are readers or stories to justify. I guess time will tell if I am right or wrong.

Whatever the case, I am grateful to everybody who has supported the magazine for the last few years. Small press publishing is a gig without any obvious rewards, some days, and it is the generosity and kindness of readers and writers that keeps us going. Don’t ever be shy about telling a publisher or author when you read a story you have loved; it is little comments that sustain us.

Anyway, a big thank you to everybody who has written a story, read an issue, or taken an interest in an odd an confused venture like this. It’s been fun.

Keep the weirdness flowing.

Moonlight Tuber #3

Welcome, brave intrepid explorer, to the next issue of the world’s foremost premier webzine spectacular (at least that’s what my friend Alice told me and she has read three): Moonlight Tuber Issue #3: Derek


Click here to read the stories!

Or click here to download the issue in pdf format.

Now go about your business as usual. Nobody must know you were here.

Moonlight Tuber #2

Welcome to Issue #2 of Moonlight Tuber, or, as it is colloquially known, “Captain Homonculous Dines with ‘That Irascible Mizzen Mast’ – Part Three”.

Our second “wepisode” features fictions from the following writers, among no others:
Forrest Aguirre

Liz Argall

Peter M. Ball

Jennifer Hollie Bowles

Will Ross

Stephanie Scarborough

You can read the stories online here, or you can download a pdf (perfectly dainty file) of the issue here.

Enjoy! And remember… keep watching the tubers!

Timeframe Update

Just a quick note to let anysoever person whom may be curious know that the Tubber is currently behind with its Enslushing.

The reasons for this are onefold: I got married. Contrary to what was promised in the books I read, this was not organised by helpful woodland creatures and a giant slug *at all*. Instead, we did it all ourselves and it seems to have eaten several months.

If you’re waiting for a response to a submission or a deadline, please be patient for just a little while longer. I’m aiming to be back on track by the end of the month.

Unless I get married again.

Moonlight Tuber #1

Ladies and gentleman, I am pleased to be able to pronounce this first issue of this obscure and ill-thought-out venture “opened”.

Moonlight Tuber #1 includes within its innards the following contentual miscellaneaia:

The Briefcase… Ethan Canter
A Sweet Story… Gitte Christensen
The Peanut Guy… Peter M. Ball
He and She… Sheri Radford
M.S. Found in a Gutter… Adam Browne
A Little Off the Top… Heidi Wessman Kneale
Head 2… Matthew Chrulew

It’s also completely free.

Click on the image below to download the issue.

Updated Guidelines

From March 2010, Moonlight Tuber will be published as a quarterly pdf webzine.

We will be open to submissions as of today, all year round.

What we want: Stories of an absurd, experimental, slipstream, surreal, bizarro, angular, ostracised, incongruous or otherwise curious nature.  Stories should be between 0 and 5000 words. Ideally around 1328.

Payment: $50 (Australian)

Format: Rtf attachment. Email to

Turnaround Time: Approximately two months.

No reprints, please.

A Very Merry Tuber To All!

It’s the time of year for eating and sleeping. In the spirit of that sentiment, Moonlight Tuber has the pleasure of announcing that it is now open for submissions for its “softmore” issue (that’s its second episode), due at some point in the darker months of 2010.

Submissions should be addressed to your favourite explorer at “” and contain the word “Buzzard” somewhere in the subject line. Stories should, as usual, be between 934 and 5059 words long.

Meanwhile, work continues “a pace” on the first collection of stories, a merry opening salvo which should make its way from the barrell of our art-musket to the belly of your consumption sometime in the Januars.

In the meantime, remember the real meaning of the festive season, which is heating deceased wildlife to stuff your face.

As you were.

Update and apologies

Apologies to those of you who are still waiting on a reply to your submissions. I’ve had a few Real Life dramas that have interrupted my progress over the last month or two (the nerve of them!). But the good news is that they’ve sorted themselves out, and I’m attempting to catch up.

I’m aiming to have all subs replied to within the next two to three weeks. Thanks to all for your patience.

That’s assuming you are being patient. If you’re being impatient, then have a small banana for your troubles.

Reminder – Moonlight Tuber deadline!

Just a reminder to all the authors out there that you have only two more days left to get your submissions ready and sent to Moonlight Tuber! Subs close officially at midnight on August 31. Anybody who thinks they might need slightly longer is welcome to email me and haggle! Extra time may be bought with promises of exotic foods.

Now write, damn you! *whip*

Submissions open for Moonlight Tuber’s first e-anthology.

A Handsome Laundrette, a Box of Lovers and Two Dozen Happy Seacows.

A Call for Submissions.

Have you been writing stories for years in abject squalor, perhaps in a small room above a dirty store full of hamburgers and no buns, never ever any buns?

Have your stories been stolen by an angry buzzard and returned with great holes in them that were not there before, probably?

Have you been waiting and waiting and waiting for an anthology of stories which explore the magical, bewildering, even muddled world of un-realism???

Then look no further, or indeed, do look, at the following words [note: edit this sentence later]

A Handsome Laundrette, a Box of Lovers and Two Dozen Happy Seacows is looking for stories of an experimental, odd, or surreal nature, WITH WHICH TO FILL ITS OWN ANTHOLOGOUS BELLY!

You too can be part of its digestive majesty.


AHLABOLATDFHS, to its friends, is open to submissions throughout the month of July (AND SUDDENLY, also August!), that preposterous month (now months, plural! How things change!) fast approaching.


Stories: Up to 5000 words

Publication: Via the magic of Internet PDF.

Payment: $50 (Australian)

Turnaround: Two months maximum.

Format: Rtf attachment. Email to

No reprints.

AHLABOLATDFHS is open to writers of all varied nations, but is particularly interested in publishing Australian writers and funny dogs.

To Arms, My Jolly Breathren!

The Seacows are (metaphorically) in your hands…